Price Quotation

PDF - Offset print requirements

Please, fill up this form for price quotation.

Note: Fields marked with * are required.

Contact Information

Toto pole nechajte prázdne:

Card details

Od 50 do 299 ks - Inkjett technológia + laminácia - TOP KVALITA /Personalizácia pod lamináciou/

Od 300 ks - Offset technológia + laminácia - TOP KVALITA /Veľkokapacitná potlač/

0,76 mm

Offset Printing:


Card perforation

A - elongated side
B - elongated top
C - round side
D - round corner
E - round bottom

Card Punch

Mini Visa

3 Key Tag


Additional comments and requests

Note: Black color is used for standard termoprint personalization. Other colors available. Specify in note field above.

Tolerance on quantity: orders up 5.000 cards - ±10%, orders from 5.000 to 10.000 cards - ±5%, orders from 10.000 cards - ±3%.

For asistance to fill in this form, do not hesitate to call us:
Robert Mracna +421 905 501 148